Affirmations The Path

Embracing The Rhythm of Life

Hello and welcome back to the affirmation series. Today, I’ll be reflecting on the rhythm of life.

Because we are often so busy, we often forget that life has a rhythm. It’s easier to ignore this and make life harder than it needs to be.

Sometimes it is best to let life happen and let everything unfold naturally. I know this can be scary when things don’t make sense and everything seems to be falling apart.

However, this is the thing about embracing the rhythm of life- sometimes life won’t allow us to move on until we are ready.

Like a song, life has a rhythm ,we just have to be open and be able to follow its beat. This means doing whatever feels right for you in the moment and not forcing anything that isn’t meant to be. This means we need to have the ability to allow ourselves to stop and smell the roses from the time to time. This means we have to sometimes enjoy life for what it is, no matter how difficult it may be.

When we begin to follow the natural flow of life, we will begin to listen to ourselves, our intuition, and our hearts better. Society will often tell us that slowing down is a sign of weakness. In truth, slowing down is an expected part of being alive. All humans have to do this. We all wake up, live our life by day, and then eventually we have to fall asleep and stop whatever it is we are doing. We have to enter a state of inactivity. This is not a sign of weakness. This is a sign that we are healthy.

Life is measured by cycles. We are never the same throughout the duration of a cycle. Understanding this is the key to embracing the rhythm of life. We are not falling behind, we are simply following the grand tempo of the melody of life.

Read more about slowing down here.

The Path

The New Year’s Manifesto

Time is an illusion and there’s no such thing as a new year, really. Everyday is new start, any day can be a new year for anyone. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, this year my new year’s resolution is to not have a New Year’s resolution. I realize that putting constraints on things like my life never really works.

When there’s too much emphasis on the idea that maybe next year things will be better, that maybe I’ll find the answers, maybe everything will turn out okay. Of course that’s the hope, but when I try to hold myself to everyone’s impossible standards, I crack under pressure (and experience a lot of anxiety). The truth is that the new year is just a new day like any other day. We can’t pretend to predict the future, we can only predict the now and that’s by showing up as we are.

With the next year, I’m saying sayonara to the past because that’s the only thing I can control. I’m saying goodbye to social expectations, to the people who hurt me, to the past versions of me that did the best they could. I realize by changing how I see my life and the world around me, that’s how I change the future. That’s how I change my life.

Letting people put me down for not fulfilling “expectations “ is simply not getting me anywhere. It’s impossible to change who I am, my personality, my DNA. This is the manifesto of the future, not the past. I hope that you, just like me, can finally let your tears dry after enduring pain in the past by understanding that everything is always changing right now all the time .

You don’t need to change everything about who you are, just by letting yourself see the light and taking a deep breath- that’s change. I can only change the future by letting go of the past. I can only grant myself a new year by letting go of last year.

-Luisa Kalina ❤️

Quotes The Path

Quote of the Week

I love quotes. They hold such wisdom said in only a few words. I think doing a weekly quote series on this blog would be a great way to stay positive. I have a book with tons of quotes and each week I will be pulling one quote and reflecting on it.

From My Quote Book, You Will Never Have This Day Again

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

— Vivian Greene

This is one of my favorite quotes. We know life can be difficult and troublesome at times. Most of us believe that once we get on the other side, everything will be okay and we can start enjoying life again. What many people don’t understand is that life is a journey, not a destination. We only only learn when we’re making mistakes and we only know happiness when we felt sadness. We need to learn to make the most of every moment in our lives, even the negative ones because sometimes they can teach us more about life than the positive one can.

Life is never perfect, but that’s okay. When things go wrong, don’t just wait for it simply pass. Learn to accept it for it is. Learn to see the beauty and magic in this moment. Learn to have a positive attitude no matter is happening.

Once you do this, you can learn to ride the waves of life and well, learn to dance in the rain.

Have a great day and see you later.

The Path

The Unexpected Is The Future

Life is unpredictable, be warned.

Life is full of surprises. We should be expect that by now. Nothing is more unexpected than our own lives, even if we expect it. Making plans can be helpful. Planning your grocery shopping ventures, planning your wedding, planning your bedroom renovations- we all make plans. And a lot of the times, it works out. It helps us organize our life and simplify our needs and goals. It helps to get from A to B.

But, we should also take note of all the ways that things did not work out the way we planned, like a terrible vacation or a disastrous job interview, because life is not a mathematic equation. Sometimes 1+1 doesn’t always equal 2, sometimes it can equal missteps and mistakes.

Instead of interpreting this as a failure, think of it as an adventure- when things are not turning out as you’d expect. It keeps things exciting. It keeps the blood pumping. It makes life worth living.

People are always trying to plan their life to the very detail as if they know how everything will eventually turn out. They don’t. Sometimes what seems like a good idea may be a bad one and a what seems like a bad idea may be a good one. It’s up to you to decide what you do and take that step into the unknown. Because that’s the only way to find out the truth about the future.

Don’t let plans get in the way of the future. Don’t let logic get in the way of dreaming big. Don’t let perfection get in the way of making valuable mistakes. Planning can be a tool to get things done, but don’t let planning get in the way of having a true adventure- living your life.

The Path

What To Remember This Fall

And just like the leaves, nothing stays the same

It’s no doubt, that perhaps the most beautiful thing about fall is how the leaves change. We love seeing colors change in the fall, from yellow to red to crisp brown. It’s refreshing how Earth alternates between seasons and colors and weather. To celebrate the fall, here are some things I want you to remember.

This fall, I want you to remember to grow just like the trees and grass and the leaves. I want you to remember that nature’s destiny for us is to grow- in every possible way. Whether that’s learning a new recipe or an important life lesson.

This fall, I want you to remember the beauty of letting go. I want you to remember that letting go is not failure nor is it an inherently sorrowful thing. We need to let go of what no longer serves us.

This fall, I want you to remember to cherish the season you’re in, no matter how bitter or cold it gets. I want you to remember that there is beauty and purpose around you even if you can’t immediately sense it.

And lastly, this fall, I want you to remember that things will never ever be the same. Things will always change just like they do in the fall -and all year long. You’ll smile and cry and laugh and scream through it all- and most importantly, you won’t be the same by the end.

This fall, I want you to embrace whatever is coming at you whether it’s cold air or the warmth of a fireplace. Because this season will end, just like so many others already have. This fall, embrace the change.

To truly get in the fall mood, here are some fall photos.

The Path

One Day This Will All Be Over

It may not feel like it now, but one day this will all be over. One day you’ll look back and realize that this was all part of the journey. When you’re in the midst of it all, it’s so hard to understand that this is only temporary. Because the truth is is that things change- they have to. It’s just part of life, and like everything else, this will too.

It’s difficult to understand this when you’re going through a rough time, when all hope seems to be lost. When you all you see is dark, it’s hard to believe that that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Because, there actually is. You just haven’t found it.

You see the way life works is that nothing stays the same. It might be tempting to think that this experience that you’re having right now is defining of all the rest of your life. But, just because you’re feeling depressed now doesn’t mean you will feel like this forever. And just because you’re stuck now doesn’t mean you will be forever.

The sun will always rise

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn. Just because you don’t see it yet, doesn’t mean the end isn’t near. That’s why you have to keep pushing forward no matter what. It’s sometimes impossible to grasp this because all you see is where you are now. And where you are now is not such a pretty sight. But, I wonder if you could see your future self as they look back at you and say, “See, I told you so.”

One day you will wake up and this will be over. The sun will come out again and the storm will pass. You’ll wake up somewhere brand new, perhaps somewhere better than before. You won’t know it now, but one day you’ll know when it’s all over.

The Path

We Have To Fall Apart First Before We Can Come Together

It’s often believed that we should never fall apart. Falling apart means that’s there’s something inherently wrong with us, that we aren’t good enough. Falling apart means we’ve failed somehow, that we’ve let the ourselves and loved ones down. But what if falling apart is the first step in coming together- in a brand new way.

When we come apart, it can make us feel like we are complete failures. It can make us feel mentally sick, like we’re going crazy. Psychologists may say that it is never okay to be not okay and that we should always be happy or there’s something wrong with us. However, there is the theory of positive disintegration. A theory that suggests that sometimes in order to truly develop as a human being we have to first fall apart.

It’s the idea that falling apart can also mean growing up. It can mean shedding our past beliefs, habits, and worldviews. We fall apart because we are no longer the people we thought we were. We are no longer living out the stories that were created for us. That is why we come apart. And sometimes it is absolutely necessary, even if it feels like the most painful thing to ever happen to us.

It’s when we fall apart, the light seeps in

When we are made to be broken, we have to the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. We have the chance to see what is wrong with our lives and make it better. The light only seeps in through the cracks of our who we are. And this allows us to recreate ourselves in a way that is stronger than ever before.

Falling apart is part of the process of becoming. It is the beginning of real, lasting change.

The Path

The Miracle of Change

If there is one constant in life, it’s change. Change happens everywhere, everyday. Seasons are always changing, time is always moving forward, years are always passing by. The hard truth about it all is that nothing truly stays the same- no matter how much we want it to.

But, change is a miracle in disguise. Without change, nothing would ever get done. Without change, we would be stuck on square one forever. Change is frightening. It’s heartbreaking. It’s uncomfortable. Change makes us question our entire reality. It can makes us feel crazy, lost, and confused. But, change is essential to our survival.

We can not live in the past for the rest our lives. Our old habits, old ways of thinking, past versions of ourselves can not be carried with us into the future. We will never survive that way. Instead, change forces us to grow into the people that we are destined to be.

Change allows us to live the lives we’ve never had

Change is miraculous because it allows us to live another life. It allows us to be different people- perhaps, better people that we ever were before. Change strips us away from all that was not meant for us. And it instead replaces it with something new and right. Because, change is secretly a doorway to another world- another world where life is the way we’ve always wanted it to be.

Change may feel catastrophic, at first. It can make us feel like reality is bending- or crashing. It can make us feel like we don’t know who we are anymore. But, that’s the beauty of change. Change gives us the opportunity to live life to the absolute fullest because it demolishes a past that was wrong for us.

The Path

Why You Should Look Around Once In a While

Even though we should be constantly moving forward into the future, it’s okay to stop and look around once in a while. Sometimes we need to take a break and pause so we can evaluate just where we are going.

The truth is is that the world doesn’t ever stop. It’s constantly in motion just like we are. The beautiful thing though is how we can control how fast we go. By taking a timeout to enjoy the here and now, we can give ourselves the time we need to prepare for when life really does start happening.

There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing. There I said it. There’s nothing wrong with watching tv all day, lying on your bed questioning your entire life, or just sitting outside drinking a nice cup of tea while watching the sun set. These moments can be just as important as the big ones. Yes, we must never lose focus of our main goals and dreams. We know we are the path to something bigger and brighter, but the world around us can teach us something along the way.

The world around us holds magic that we don’t realize

You may just need some time to reevaluate things before heading onward. Maybe you just lost a job or maybe you are just suddenly confused about what to do next. Maybe nothing makes sense anymore. And maybe it just takes time for you to realize what your next step forward might be. If watching videos about Disney World all day makes you feel better, then you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. Because maybe that’s just what you need right now- a timeout. A setback might actually be an opportunity to explore the world around you and take it in. It may be an opportunity to truly heal. It might be the only thing that can give you the clarity of mind to then make the next right decision.

When we choose to temporarily freeze time by stopping to look around once in a while, we can see what other things life has to offer. We can relax. We can take a break. There are so many things that are available for us when we just pause. We can finally catch up that tv show we’ve been waiting to watch. Or maybe we can start to journal our feelings for the first time. When life asks you to take a step back, understand that it isn’t a setback. It’s a necessary detour to the path that you are on.

The Path

How to Create The Future

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Abe Lincoln

The future is an unseen place we know that exists, but have not yet arrived. It’s a place that exists somewhere vaguely in our thoughts- somewhere we know to be real, but feels more like an idea we just can’t place a finger on. They say that there’s no way anyone could know what the future holds, but I beg to disagree. Because I believe foresight does actually exist. Not just in the way in which people occasionally are able to predict future events, but in the way that everyone is capable of doing- by creating it themselves.

If we are to believe that we are a victim of fate, we’ll never get what we want. Perhaps, fate should be a victim of us– our choices, our callings, our passions. The only possible way we could ever truly predict the future, our future, is to decide first thing when we wake up in the morning how it should look like.

We need to first understand what is it that we want and who we are. What is it that makes you you? What makes you feel the most alive? What comes naturally to you? These are the questions that are the buildings blocks of the future. Forget what the cynics say- anything is possible. Do whatever you want. Don’t get trapped in other people’s reality. The only limit is your imagination. All you need right now is a vision and the rest will come together as you go.

The future rests in our imagination and willpower

In order to create a sustainable blueprint to the future, we must be firm in our beliefs. We must keep pushing forward despite all the obstacles that are against us. We must never bow down to the conventions of society- no matter how alienating and lonely it may get. Following your dreams, taking the road less traveled, becoming who you were destined to be is a treacherous path. That’s why not everyone is doing it. Because it’s hard and it will take everything you have. But it’s also the only path worth taking. And you have to be strong for the future to stand it’s ground.

Creating the future isn’t as complicated as you think. People would have you believe that success takes luck, but it really just takes hard work, determination and your boundless imagination. You might get lost along the way, make mistakes your regret, give up, but know it’s only part of the journey that you’re courageous enough to take. And know that every single thing that happens during it has guided you into building a future that no one could ever have imagined, a future that may have the potential to inspire us as a whole to find our own inner strength to create better, brighter futures for ourselves and maybe just the rest of the world, too.