Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning this April

I love candles. Candles are so amazing in their wide range of scents that can light up any mood wherever you are with the right smell. It’s becoming routine to burn candles each month.

This month I’m burning Weekend in Rome from Bath and Body Works (I get most of my candles from there, the packaging is just too cute).

This candle, first of all, smells lovely. It mostly smells like peaches with some vanilla (as you can see from the scent notes). It’s a perfect spring candle to get you in the springtime mentality.

It kind of smells like walking into a cafe and ordering your favorite peach tea(maybe in Rome?). You can smell the strong peachy scent with just a hint of vanilla. The packaging is so pretty, too. I love the pink jar with the illustration of a town in Rome.

Maybe something like this? (This is in Rome, by the way)

If you’re interested in this candle you check out your local Bath and Body Works store or click here to order online.

The Self

The Power of Never Feeling Enough

My whole life I’ve never felt enough. This is me being honest. I’m tired of pretending I’m fine all the time. I’m tired of putting a mask on because that’s what I’m supposed to do. I’m tired of saying the things people want to hear. I wouldn’t even consider myself as being part of society because society isn’t even a thing that exists.

I think there’s power to never feeling enough. I think there’s power in not having the answers. I think there’s power in not being perfect. But, “society” doesn’t want you to believe that. I realize that people might think I’m falling behind because I’m not the person they want to me to be. I don’t live life according to the rules and that makes me look like a failure. But guess what? I’m not. I’m me. Isn’t that enough?

There’s power to never feeling enough because I’m constantly pushing through. It makes me more capable of changing and growing. There’s power in not knowing all the answers because having all your crap together doesn’t make you a better person. I don’t become better by claiming my life is perfect all the time. I become better by learning all the things that I couldn’t possibly know because I had the humility to understand what I didn’t. I become better by understanding I am human and there’s lots to learn. I become better by having the courage to see what needs to be changed. That’s what this life is all about.

There’s power to never feeling enough because I understand what it feels like to not fit in. I know the feeling of never living up to standards because I chose to be honest instead of fake. There’s power in not being perfect because it helps me understand other people’s struggles and insecurities.

I don’t have all the answers and neither do you. No one is perfect. I don’t know what I need to do to feel enough, yet. But, I know that I’m always trying and maybe that’s enough.