Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning This May


Welcome back to my blog! This month I have been burning a candle called Blueberry Marshmallow Bar from Bath and Body Works.

I really enjoy this candle! It’s very sweet from the vanilla and a little tart from the blueberries. If you don’t like bakery candles, then you probably won’t appreciate this candle very much. It smells more like marshmallows than blueberries and more gourmet than fruity.

Nevertheless, the vanilla scent mixed with the blueberries smells so pleasant to me. I would recommend this candle to anyone who likes sweet and bakery scents. It is a great spring candle since the blueberries do smell quite fresh and the packaging looks very floral for the season. Speaking of packaging, it’s so beautiful and I love the watercolor-painted blueberries with the hand-drawn design.

If you’re interested in this candle or just candles in general, check out Bath and Body Works.

Serenity The Washi Tape Series

Let’s go to the Spa!

You are here because you got the blue washi tape. You might need to have some sacred time for yourself because you’re always working hard and just need some time to rest. Congratulations, you’re going to the spa today. Here’s a gift from me:

It’s a (fake) Spa Voucher!

Let’s first pick out some clothes to wear.

Before heading into the spa, you’re going over to get breakfast at your favorite restaurant.

Breakfast is served!

enjoy 🙂

Now, let’s proceed to the spa. There are many different spas that are all wonderful in their own ways. How about you choose which one you’ll like to go to.

Deep Breaths

Just breathe.

Before you start, let’s take five deep breaths. Inhale in for four seconds, hold for seven, and then exhale for eight. This will help calm your mind so you can truly begin relaxing and enjoying your time at the spa.

The Pool

The definition of peace…

When you first enter the spa, you notice a calming pool awaiting. You slowly walk over as you hear the peaceful sounds coming from the water. You dip your feet into the blue water and just let it all in. So. Serene.


So nice…

Next, it’s time for your much anticipated massage. You are getting an aromatherapy massage. Which essential oil do you want to be used for this message?

Fantastic! You’re all set for your massage. The aromatherapy message was just the thing you needed. You feel much better now.

That’s A Wrap up!

Wow! This was a great day, wasn’t it? Now, that you just had the most soothing massage ever, it’s time to head home. Maybe one day can come back, but now all you’re thinking about is sleep. Goodnight….

Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning this April

I love candles. Candles are so amazing in their wide range of scents that can light up any mood wherever you are with the right smell. It’s becoming routine to burn candles each month.

This month I’m burning Weekend in Rome from Bath and Body Works (I get most of my candles from there, the packaging is just too cute).

This candle, first of all, smells lovely. It mostly smells like peaches with some vanilla (as you can see from the scent notes). It’s a perfect spring candle to get you in the springtime mentality.

It kind of smells like walking into a cafe and ordering your favorite peach tea(maybe in Rome?). You can smell the strong peachy scent with just a hint of vanilla. The packaging is so pretty, too. I love the pink jar with the illustration of a town in Rome.

Maybe something like this? (This is in Rome, by the way)

If you’re interested in this candle you check out your local Bath and Body Works store or click here to order online.


The Most Beautiful Places In The World

The world is full of beautiful places even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. We all walk around this planet unaware of the unmistakable beauty that surrounds us. Unaware that such beautiful places do exist. Furthermore, we are often blasé about life. So, I invite you to take a trip with me to some of the world’s most beautiful places. And we’ll discover just how much beauty is left in the world.

First stop: Paris, France

Often known as the “City of Light”, Paris is full of glorious architecture and art. It’ll remind you just how much art is still prevalent in society and how beauty is still a real thing. So, take a step back and enjoy the countless sights and sounds (and tastes) that Paris has to offer.

Next Stop: Cinque Terra, Italy

Now, we arrive at Cinque Terre in Italy. How adorable is this place? Don’t you just feel like roaming around the town in the evening? Cinque Terre is such a colorful quaint town alongside the coastline. Let’s just get cozy and stay for a while.

Third Stop: St. Lucia

Next, we land on one of the most gorgeous islands in the Caribbean- St. Lucia. I mean what isn’t stunning about this island? From the green mountains to the clear blue water, this is a spectacular sight to behold. Grab some mango juice and enjoy your stay at this tropical island!

Next Stop: Santorini, Greece

Welcome to the charming little island of Santorini! Let’s take a day to just observe the all the lovely sights that are here. Take a tour through it’s ancient history. And later, we’ll check out the romantic sunsets in the evening.

Last Stop: Fiordland National Park, New Zealand

Our last stop brings us to Fiordland National Park in New Zealand! Here we can witness the awe of the vast scenery as well as explore the majestic glowworm caves. To ensure that we are fully satisfied with everything before heading back, let’s just take a mental picture that will last forever.

And that brings us to the end of our journey! Now, you can see that the world is still beautiful even if we leave the places that remind us of it. When life gets too difficult, to dull, to disappointing, just remember where all the beautiful places are. Because they do exist.

To find more beautiful places, just check out some of these websites: