The Path

For When You Need To Let The Past Go

You can’t move on if you’re stuck in the past. You can’t read the next chapter if you’re still on the last one. We only heal and change when we begin to move forward.

The past is intimidating. After all, it’s a big part of you. All of your memories are created from the past. The past has made you into someone you are today, but this person is not you. This is just a person that got you to where you are today.

The past is just a collection of memories from another time, another life. It’s a story we continue to tell ourselves when we are too scared to face the future, to face the truth of ourselves and our reality. The past cannot be lived in. It’s simply a tale that lives on our bookshelves. Maybe, we occasionally pick it up to recount some lovely memories from the past, but we know it’s just a story and that is all. That’s what the past is for. To be kept behind.

Look out to the sea, can you see the future yet?

And the destruction of the past is just a blueprint to the future. Yes, letting go of the past could be compared to death. But, it’s only a rebirth- or shall we say, a new chapter in the story. Death is just letting go. Letting go is moving on. The future is out there and we need to get on the train that leaves it behind first. Because it’s the future where we meet the version of ourselves we always wanted to be. It’s the future where we get to live the life we’ve always dreamt of. Because it’s the future where we finally see the light.

And when we finally arrive at our destination- when we get on that train that leaves to somewhere brand new, somewhere we haven’t ever seen before- we’ll finally see the past for what it is. The beginning of our journey, not the last stop. A place that was meant to be left behind.

6 replies on “For When You Need To Let The Past Go”

Beautifully put and said with wise words. Thank you. It’s wonderful to be reminded even at my age.

Es un excelente trabajo. Los frutos se verán si perseverar. Llegarás lejos son reflexiones muy profundas ! Felicitaciones .

Luisa, Such wisdom! I wish I would’ve had the perspective that you have at your age. It would’ve helped me to move forward from things that happen in my life that were difficult. I’m so proud of you! We miss you very much and can’t wait to see you soon! Love, Tia Janet 💕😎🙏

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