The Self

Why Fitting In is Actually Stupid

Different doesn’t actually mean failure, it may actually mean you are not boring

Nobody likes to admit they’re average. But, let’s face it- most people are totally unwilling to be anything other than just average. And that’s fine to a degree because we need the world needs to function with the “just average” crowd- we need down-to earth, grounded people to help run this crazy world of ours.

However, there’s this dilemma. Fitting in. The problem is that society doesn’t necessarily recognize that the opposite is actually true- that we need people who actually don’t fit in- or just simply can’t. We need the square pegs in round holes to drive society forward, not backwards. Unfortunately, most people don’t actually understand this because they’re too busy being normal and fitting in.

And let me tell you, being normal is overrated as heck. Society tends to believe that there is a “right” way to live life- getting married, having kids, having lots of friends, going to college, etc. We are so accustomed to this way of being we don’t even realize just how spineless we are. And the people who choose not to live the exact same way as everyone else are repeatedly labelled as freaks, losers, weirdos, etc. Funny enough, fitting in doesn’t actually get anyone anywhere.

Fitting in only gets you as far as your hometown because the truth is is nobody cares about how many friends you have or how good you looked in your prom high school pictures on Facebook.

But, people remember the weirdos because they’re the only ones who actually can change things. Of course, being different is going to get you misunderstood and hurt. But who cares? In the end, you are going to go farther than anyone else because there’s more to life than just going with the crowd.

There is nothing morally wrong about being dull, but if you think you’re doing better than other people because people like you, well that’s where you’re wrong. To be the change you want to see in the world, you have to be different… even if society will hate you for it.