The Path

One Day This Will All Be Over

It may not feel like it now, but one day this will all be over. One day you’ll look back and realize that this was all part of the journey. When you’re in the midst of it all, it’s so hard to understand that this is only temporary. Because the truth is is that things change- they have to. It’s just part of life, and like everything else, this will too.

It’s difficult to understand this when you’re going through a rough time, when all hope seems to be lost. When you all you see is dark, it’s hard to believe that that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Because, there actually is. You just haven’t found it.

You see the way life works is that nothing stays the same. It might be tempting to think that this experience that you’re having right now is defining of all the rest of your life. But, just because you’re feeling depressed now doesn’t mean you will feel like this forever. And just because you’re stuck now doesn’t mean you will be forever.

The sun will always rise

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn. Just because you don’t see it yet, doesn’t mean the end isn’t near. That’s why you have to keep pushing forward no matter what. It’s sometimes impossible to grasp this because all you see is where you are now. And where you are now is not such a pretty sight. But, I wonder if you could see your future self as they look back at you and say, “See, I told you so.”

One day you will wake up and this will be over. The sun will come out again and the storm will pass. You’ll wake up somewhere brand new, perhaps somewhere better than before. You won’t know it now, but one day you’ll know when it’s all over.

The Path

We Have To Fall Apart First Before We Can Come Together

It’s often believed that we should never fall apart. Falling apart means that’s there’s something inherently wrong with us, that we aren’t good enough. Falling apart means we’ve failed somehow, that we’ve let the ourselves and loved ones down. But what if falling apart is the first step in coming together- in a brand new way.

When we come apart, it can make us feel like we are complete failures. It can make us feel mentally sick, like we’re going crazy. Psychologists may say that it is never okay to be not okay and that we should always be happy or there’s something wrong with us. However, there is the theory of positive disintegration. A theory that suggests that sometimes in order to truly develop as a human being we have to first fall apart.

It’s the idea that falling apart can also mean growing up. It can mean shedding our past beliefs, habits, and worldviews. We fall apart because we are no longer the people we thought we were. We are no longer living out the stories that were created for us. That is why we come apart. And sometimes it is absolutely necessary, even if it feels like the most painful thing to ever happen to us.

It’s when we fall apart, the light seeps in

When we are made to be broken, we have to the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. We have the chance to see what is wrong with our lives and make it better. The light only seeps in through the cracks of our who we are. And this allows us to recreate ourselves in a way that is stronger than ever before.

Falling apart is part of the process of becoming. It is the beginning of real, lasting change.