Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning This May


Welcome back to my blog! This month I have been burning a candle called Blueberry Marshmallow Bar from Bath and Body Works.

I really enjoy this candle! It’s very sweet from the vanilla and a little tart from the blueberries. If you don’t like bakery candles, then you probably won’t appreciate this candle very much. It smells more like marshmallows than blueberries and more gourmet than fruity.

Nevertheless, the vanilla scent mixed with the blueberries smells so pleasant to me. I would recommend this candle to anyone who likes sweet and bakery scents. It is a great spring candle since the blueberries do smell quite fresh and the packaging looks very floral for the season. Speaking of packaging, it’s so beautiful and I love the watercolor-painted blueberries with the hand-drawn design.

If you’re interested in this candle or just candles in general, check out Bath and Body Works.

Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning this April

I love candles. Candles are so amazing in their wide range of scents that can light up any mood wherever you are with the right smell. It’s becoming routine to burn candles each month.

This month I’m burning Weekend in Rome from Bath and Body Works (I get most of my candles from there, the packaging is just too cute).

This candle, first of all, smells lovely. It mostly smells like peaches with some vanilla (as you can see from the scent notes). It’s a perfect spring candle to get you in the springtime mentality.

It kind of smells like walking into a cafe and ordering your favorite peach tea(maybe in Rome?). You can smell the strong peachy scent with just a hint of vanilla. The packaging is so pretty, too. I love the pink jar with the illustration of a town in Rome.

Maybe something like this? (This is in Rome, by the way)

If you’re interested in this candle you check out your local Bath and Body Works store or click here to order online.