Observations The Self

This is How to Be A Normal and “Cool” Person

Hint: None of these are guaranteed to make you a better person

Look, I think a lot about human nature. That’s just what I do. And after observing a lot from people over the course of my years and my time in school, I figured out why it’s so hard to fit in into society. So, I made a list of things you would want to do if you want to be socially accepted by the majority.

Rule #1- Be in a relationship or at least be interested in someone

This is a popular one. It seems that people value their worth depending on whether or not they are in a relationship and it’s been happening since the dawn of time. Especially in school, not being in relationship or showing any interest in someone is usually seen as a sign of being “uncool” or lame or whatever (even if you are surrounded by hormonal and immature peers). In society, those who don’t pursue goals of getting married and having kids are seen as “selfish” or worse, “losers”. Apparently, not forcing yourself to be in a relationship you don’t want to be in means you are lacking in maturity and “falling behind”. So, if you want to be cool and normal, get in a relationship or have a crush on someone, or at least pretend to (that’ll work, right?).

Rule #2- Get a (“Practical”) Job

Getting a job is so important to coming across as a normal person who has their crap together. Having a job can make you look responsible and hard-working even if you’re just working at McDonalds and not actually doing anything that makes you happy. Because pursuing your passions is overrated, right? You should be focusing on getting a normal job so you can buy a house for your future spouse and then plan for having children. Anyone who is normal and cool does this.

Rule #3- Engage in Small Talk and Refrain from Being a Deep Thinker

Dude, no-one wants to talk about your thoughts about the universe and what everything means. People just want to talk about gossip and how boring their job is. Being a deep thinker is a terrible idea if you want to be considered a normal person. Deep thinkers are notorious for being overly depressing, unnecessary, and kind of rude (“How dare you question that my life is meaningful?!”). Oh, and if you’re a girl, talking about boys and crushes is the best way to earn approval because not doing so can earn you the brutal reputation of being a “prude” and “slow”. Talking about subjects that are not very interesting or though-provoking is a surefire to be cool. Take note.

Rule# 4- Be ill-informed

There is nothing cooler than being ill-informed. Okay, so no cool person wants to be seen as ill-informed but they certainly don’t want to seen as a “know-it-all”. The trick to being cool is not knowing anything or at least pretend to not know anything. You see, people who are well-informed are often seen as arrogant and as weirdos. Having extensive knowledge about any subject can make you look like a nerd (you don’t want that!). Being ignorant and going along with assumptions and stereotypes is definitely an important step to take if you want to fit in and of course, be cool.

Rule #5- Be Fake

This actually may be the most important rule of all. In order to fit in, you need to agree with all the other cool people. However, there are a lot of times when you probably don’t want to agree with them, BUT doing so would make you an outcast. So, you pretend to agree with them. You pretend to like the same things as them. You pretend to be someone you are NOT. This makes you cool because it means that you are just like everyone else who is cool. If you don’t do the same things as all the cool people, you, my friend, ARE NOT COOL. You are a social pariah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my rules to being cool (and normal). These are just my observations as to why some people are cool and why some are not. You probably can see how a lot of these rules apply to your life and the people you know, including yourself. It can be quite easy to fall for these invisible rules that we make up in our thing called society. It’s actually crazy how many people abide to them like it is some sort of religion. That’s all for today. See you later.

Affirmations The Self

Releasing the Past and the Future All at Once

Always remember to let go…

Starting today, I’m starting a new series about affirmations. I’m using cards from an affirmation deck that I got off of Amazon and I’m going to be using it for this series. I will be using them to reflect on affirmations.

Affirmation Card no.1

I release all negative thoughts about the past and all about the future.

Staying in the present is the best thing you can do right now for yourself. You can’t control the past or the future, so why continue to dwell on it?

I know, it’s easier said than done because I do it all the time. I think about the past and the future almost everyday. I can’t stop remembering all the people who hurt me or can’t stop thinking about the things that could or couldn’t happen in the future.

The truth is that it’s not that simple to just let go especially if you’ve been burned and everything looks uncertain. But, it’s also important to understand that your thoughts don’t exactly change reality. Whether or not you think about something can’t take away from the reality of the present. Thinking about something bad that might happen in the future won’t make it happen and dwelling on the past can’t change what already had happened.

So, I guess my advice is to let things be. Try to stay in the moment by doing the something you love. Analyze all the little things that are going well in your life. Make a list about everything that is making you happy.

Take a bath. Watch a movie. Read a book. Cook your favorite meal. These are some things you can try.

Life is too short, so all we got is now.

It’s time to release what we cannot control.

The Self The Washi Tape Series

Welcome to The Washi Tape Series

Everybody is different. Everybody has different needs and goals and dreams and plans. Starting now, I am beginning a new series on my blog called “The Washi Tape Series”. This series will help you explore yourself and your imagination by giving you a personalized vacation based on your personality using the beautiful washi tape that I own.

I’m going to begin by giving you a quiz determining your washi tape type. Then, I’ll create four different blog posts and depending on the type you get, you will get a specific post that will lead you to your own unique adventure.

First, let’s start by taking the quiz.

So, whatever you got you, choose the article that corresponds with the results and enjoy your personalized journey. See you there!

Here’s a little key I made…

To Find Your Next Adventure…

Click on the link below

Purple Washi Tape

Makeup Washi Tape

Red Washi Tape

BlueWashi Tape

The Self

The Power of Never Feeling Enough

My whole life I’ve never felt enough. This is me being honest. I’m tired of pretending I’m fine all the time. I’m tired of putting a mask on because that’s what I’m supposed to do. I’m tired of saying the things people want to hear. I wouldn’t even consider myself as being part of society because society isn’t even a thing that exists.

I think there’s power to never feeling enough. I think there’s power in not having the answers. I think there’s power in not being perfect. But, “society” doesn’t want you to believe that. I realize that people might think I’m falling behind because I’m not the person they want to me to be. I don’t live life according to the rules and that makes me look like a failure. But guess what? I’m not. I’m me. Isn’t that enough?

There’s power to never feeling enough because I’m constantly pushing through. It makes me more capable of changing and growing. There’s power in not knowing all the answers because having all your crap together doesn’t make you a better person. I don’t become better by claiming my life is perfect all the time. I become better by learning all the things that I couldn’t possibly know because I had the humility to understand what I didn’t. I become better by understanding I am human and there’s lots to learn. I become better by having the courage to see what needs to be changed. That’s what this life is all about.

There’s power to never feeling enough because I understand what it feels like to not fit in. I know the feeling of never living up to standards because I chose to be honest instead of fake. There’s power in not being perfect because it helps me understand other people’s struggles and insecurities.

I don’t have all the answers and neither do you. No one is perfect. I don’t know what I need to do to feel enough, yet. But, I know that I’m always trying and maybe that’s enough.

The Self

Why Fitting In is Actually Stupid

Different doesn’t actually mean failure, it may actually mean you are not boring

Nobody likes to admit they’re average. But, let’s face it- most people are totally unwilling to be anything other than just average. And that’s fine to a degree because we need the world needs to function with the “just average” crowd- we need down-to earth, grounded people to help run this crazy world of ours.

However, there’s this dilemma. Fitting in. The problem is that society doesn’t necessarily recognize that the opposite is actually true- that we need people who actually don’t fit in- or just simply can’t. We need the square pegs in round holes to drive society forward, not backwards. Unfortunately, most people don’t actually understand this because they’re too busy being normal and fitting in.

And let me tell you, being normal is overrated as heck. Society tends to believe that there is a “right” way to live life- getting married, having kids, having lots of friends, going to college, etc. We are so accustomed to this way of being we don’t even realize just how spineless we are. And the people who choose not to live the exact same way as everyone else are repeatedly labelled as freaks, losers, weirdos, etc. Funny enough, fitting in doesn’t actually get anyone anywhere.

Fitting in only gets you as far as your hometown because the truth is is nobody cares about how many friends you have or how good you looked in your prom high school pictures on Facebook.

But, people remember the weirdos because they’re the only ones who actually can change things. Of course, being different is going to get you misunderstood and hurt. But who cares? In the end, you are going to go farther than anyone else because there’s more to life than just going with the crowd.

There is nothing morally wrong about being dull, but if you think you’re doing better than other people because people like you, well that’s where you’re wrong. To be the change you want to see in the world, you have to be different… even if society will hate you for it.

The Self

You Are Not Who Everyone Thinks You Are

As you walk down the street, do you ever stop to wonder who are all those people passing you by? What their life is like? Who their families are? What their names even are? You’ll never know just like how they will never anything about you.

So, why is it that we judge people we barely know? Why do we make assumptions about people we’ve never truly met- whether it be that famous celebrity on Instagram or that quiet girl sitting next to us in class. And why do people make assumptions about us when they don’t even know who we are? It’s crazy to think that we hardly ever truly know anyone for their real selves even the ones that are supposed to be the closest to us.

The truth is is that people will always accuse you of being someone you’re not. It’s not because that’s who you really are, but because it’s a reflection of themselves. People will only understand you based on their own level of perception. Unhealthy people will take out their insecurity on others since they have little confidence themselves. Close-minded people will believe that anyone who doesn’t conform to their unrealistic standards are simply not right in the head. Ignorant people would have you think that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is immoral or just plain wrong. In other words, people will judge other people based on how they see the world. But, how they see the world is not always reality and you are not obligated to fit within that reality.

So many faces…so many stories we know nothing about…

You are not who everyone thinks are. The stories, the myths, the tidbits that they make up either in their own heads or with their group of friends are not you. Because they know really nothing about you. Yes, they might know “things” about you like how you sit alone in class or how you dated that one guy- merely enough information to create a flimsy narrative around you. But these stories are not you. They are as factual as the latest Disney animated movie. North is north. No matter how much people want to buy into the lies that they have created about you, you are always going to be you.