The Path

The Miracle of Change

If there is one constant in life, it’s change. Change happens everywhere, everyday. Seasons are always changing, time is always moving forward, years are always passing by. The hard truth about it all is that nothing truly stays the same- no matter how much we want it to.

But, change is a miracle in disguise. Without change, nothing would ever get done. Without change, we would be stuck on square one forever. Change is frightening. It’s heartbreaking. It’s uncomfortable. Change makes us question our entire reality. It can makes us feel crazy, lost, and confused. But, change is essential to our survival.

We can not live in the past for the rest our lives. Our old habits, old ways of thinking, past versions of ourselves can not be carried with us into the future. We will never survive that way. Instead, change forces us to grow into the people that we are destined to be.

Change allows us to live the lives we’ve never had

Change is miraculous because it allows us to live another life. It allows us to be different people- perhaps, better people that we ever were before. Change strips us away from all that was not meant for us. And it instead replaces it with something new and right. Because, change is secretly a doorway to another world- another world where life is the way we’ve always wanted it to be.

Change may feel catastrophic, at first. It can make us feel like reality is bending- or crashing. It can make us feel like we don’t know who we are anymore. But, that’s the beauty of change. Change gives us the opportunity to live life to the absolute fullest because it demolishes a past that was wrong for us.


The Most Beautiful Places In The World

The world is full of beautiful places even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. We all walk around this planet unaware of the unmistakable beauty that surrounds us. Unaware that such beautiful places do exist. Furthermore, we are often blasé about life. So, I invite you to take a trip with me to some of the world’s most beautiful places. And we’ll discover just how much beauty is left in the world.

First stop: Paris, France

Often known as the “City of Light”, Paris is full of glorious architecture and art. It’ll remind you just how much art is still prevalent in society and how beauty is still a real thing. So, take a step back and enjoy the countless sights and sounds (and tastes) that Paris has to offer.

Next Stop: Cinque Terra, Italy

Now, we arrive at Cinque Terre in Italy. How adorable is this place? Don’t you just feel like roaming around the town in the evening? Cinque Terre is such a colorful quaint town alongside the coastline. Let’s just get cozy and stay for a while.

Third Stop: St. Lucia

Next, we land on one of the most gorgeous islands in the Caribbean- St. Lucia. I mean what isn’t stunning about this island? From the green mountains to the clear blue water, this is a spectacular sight to behold. Grab some mango juice and enjoy your stay at this tropical island!

Next Stop: Santorini, Greece

Welcome to the charming little island of Santorini! Let’s take a day to just observe the all the lovely sights that are here. Take a tour through it’s ancient history. And later, we’ll check out the romantic sunsets in the evening.

Last Stop: Fiordland National Park, New Zealand

Our last stop brings us to Fiordland National Park in New Zealand! Here we can witness the awe of the vast scenery as well as explore the majestic glowworm caves. To ensure that we are fully satisfied with everything before heading back, let’s just take a mental picture that will last forever.

And that brings us to the end of our journey! Now, you can see that the world is still beautiful even if we leave the places that remind us of it. When life gets too difficult, to dull, to disappointing, just remember where all the beautiful places are. Because they do exist.

To find more beautiful places, just check out some of these websites:

The Self

You Are Not Who Everyone Thinks You Are

As you walk down the street, do you ever stop to wonder who are all those people passing you by? What their life is like? Who their families are? What their names even are? You’ll never know just like how they will never anything about you.

So, why is it that we judge people we barely know? Why do we make assumptions about people we’ve never truly met- whether it be that famous celebrity on Instagram or that quiet girl sitting next to us in class. And why do people make assumptions about us when they don’t even know who we are? It’s crazy to think that we hardly ever truly know anyone for their real selves even the ones that are supposed to be the closest to us.

The truth is is that people will always accuse you of being someone you’re not. It’s not because that’s who you really are, but because it’s a reflection of themselves. People will only understand you based on their own level of perception. Unhealthy people will take out their insecurity on others since they have little confidence themselves. Close-minded people will believe that anyone who doesn’t conform to their unrealistic standards are simply not right in the head. Ignorant people would have you think that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is immoral or just plain wrong. In other words, people will judge other people based on how they see the world. But, how they see the world is not always reality and you are not obligated to fit within that reality.

So many faces…so many stories we know nothing about…

You are not who everyone thinks are. The stories, the myths, the tidbits that they make up either in their own heads or with their group of friends are not you. Because they know really nothing about you. Yes, they might know “things” about you like how you sit alone in class or how you dated that one guy- merely enough information to create a flimsy narrative around you. But these stories are not you. They are as factual as the latest Disney animated movie. North is north. No matter how much people want to buy into the lies that they have created about you, you are always going to be you.

The Path

Why You Should Look Around Once In a While

Even though we should be constantly moving forward into the future, it’s okay to stop and look around once in a while. Sometimes we need to take a break and pause so we can evaluate just where we are going.

The truth is is that the world doesn’t ever stop. It’s constantly in motion just like we are. The beautiful thing though is how we can control how fast we go. By taking a timeout to enjoy the here and now, we can give ourselves the time we need to prepare for when life really does start happening.

There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing. There I said it. There’s nothing wrong with watching tv all day, lying on your bed questioning your entire life, or just sitting outside drinking a nice cup of tea while watching the sun set. These moments can be just as important as the big ones. Yes, we must never lose focus of our main goals and dreams. We know we are the path to something bigger and brighter, but the world around us can teach us something along the way.

The world around us holds magic that we don’t realize

You may just need some time to reevaluate things before heading onward. Maybe you just lost a job or maybe you are just suddenly confused about what to do next. Maybe nothing makes sense anymore. And maybe it just takes time for you to realize what your next step forward might be. If watching videos about Disney World all day makes you feel better, then you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. Because maybe that’s just what you need right now- a timeout. A setback might actually be an opportunity to explore the world around you and take it in. It may be an opportunity to truly heal. It might be the only thing that can give you the clarity of mind to then make the next right decision.

When we choose to temporarily freeze time by stopping to look around once in a while, we can see what other things life has to offer. We can relax. We can take a break. There are so many things that are available for us when we just pause. We can finally catch up that tv show we’ve been waiting to watch. Or maybe we can start to journal our feelings for the first time. When life asks you to take a step back, understand that it isn’t a setback. It’s a necessary detour to the path that you are on.

The Path

How to Create The Future

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Abe Lincoln

The future is an unseen place we know that exists, but have not yet arrived. It’s a place that exists somewhere vaguely in our thoughts- somewhere we know to be real, but feels more like an idea we just can’t place a finger on. They say that there’s no way anyone could know what the future holds, but I beg to disagree. Because I believe foresight does actually exist. Not just in the way in which people occasionally are able to predict future events, but in the way that everyone is capable of doing- by creating it themselves.

If we are to believe that we are a victim of fate, we’ll never get what we want. Perhaps, fate should be a victim of us– our choices, our callings, our passions. The only possible way we could ever truly predict the future, our future, is to decide first thing when we wake up in the morning how it should look like.

We need to first understand what is it that we want and who we are. What is it that makes you you? What makes you feel the most alive? What comes naturally to you? These are the questions that are the buildings blocks of the future. Forget what the cynics say- anything is possible. Do whatever you want. Don’t get trapped in other people’s reality. The only limit is your imagination. All you need right now is a vision and the rest will come together as you go.

The future rests in our imagination and willpower

In order to create a sustainable blueprint to the future, we must be firm in our beliefs. We must keep pushing forward despite all the obstacles that are against us. We must never bow down to the conventions of society- no matter how alienating and lonely it may get. Following your dreams, taking the road less traveled, becoming who you were destined to be is a treacherous path. That’s why not everyone is doing it. Because it’s hard and it will take everything you have. But it’s also the only path worth taking. And you have to be strong for the future to stand it’s ground.

Creating the future isn’t as complicated as you think. People would have you believe that success takes luck, but it really just takes hard work, determination and your boundless imagination. You might get lost along the way, make mistakes your regret, give up, but know it’s only part of the journey that you’re courageous enough to take. And know that every single thing that happens during it has guided you into building a future that no one could ever have imagined, a future that may have the potential to inspire us as a whole to find our own inner strength to create better, brighter futures for ourselves and maybe just the rest of the world, too.

The Path

For When You Need To Let The Past Go

You can’t move on if you’re stuck in the past. You can’t read the next chapter if you’re still on the last one. We only heal and change when we begin to move forward.

The past is intimidating. After all, it’s a big part of you. All of your memories are created from the past. The past has made you into someone you are today, but this person is not you. This is just a person that got you to where you are today.

The past is just a collection of memories from another time, another life. It’s a story we continue to tell ourselves when we are too scared to face the future, to face the truth of ourselves and our reality. The past cannot be lived in. It’s simply a tale that lives on our bookshelves. Maybe, we occasionally pick it up to recount some lovely memories from the past, but we know it’s just a story and that is all. That’s what the past is for. To be kept behind.

Look out to the sea, can you see the future yet?

And the destruction of the past is just a blueprint to the future. Yes, letting go of the past could be compared to death. But, it’s only a rebirth- or shall we say, a new chapter in the story. Death is just letting go. Letting go is moving on. The future is out there and we need to get on the train that leaves it behind first. Because it’s the future where we meet the version of ourselves we always wanted to be. It’s the future where we get to live the life we’ve always dreamt of. Because it’s the future where we finally see the light.

And when we finally arrive at our destination- when we get on that train that leaves to somewhere brand new, somewhere we haven’t ever seen before- we’ll finally see the past for what it is. The beginning of our journey, not the last stop. A place that was meant to be left behind.

The Path

This is Your Life.

In case no one has told you yet- here’s a secret. This your life. It’s all yours. School didn’t teach you this. You parents probably didn’t either. Maybe your friends didn’t even encourage to follow your dreams. Everything is seemingly determined by society- until it’s not. This is a short notice that life isn’t permanent. It’s now or it’s never. The first day of your life begins now and the rest of your life is yours to own. Your journey begins right here, right now.