The Path

Why You Should Look Around Once In a While

Even though we should be constantly moving forward into the future, it’s okay to stop and look around once in a while. Sometimes we need to take a break and pause so we can evaluate just where we are going.

The truth is is that the world doesn’t ever stop. It’s constantly in motion just like we are. The beautiful thing though is how we can control how fast we go. By taking a timeout to enjoy the here and now, we can give ourselves the time we need to prepare for when life really does start happening.

There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing. There I said it. There’s nothing wrong with watching tv all day, lying on your bed questioning your entire life, or just sitting outside drinking a nice cup of tea while watching the sun set. These moments can be just as important as the big ones. Yes, we must never lose focus of our main goals and dreams. We know we are the path to something bigger and brighter, but the world around us can teach us something along the way.

The world around us holds magic that we don’t realize

You may just need some time to reevaluate things before heading onward. Maybe you just lost a job or maybe you are just suddenly confused about what to do next. Maybe nothing makes sense anymore. And maybe it just takes time for you to realize what your next step forward might be. If watching videos about Disney World all day makes you feel better, then you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. Because maybe that’s just what you need right now- a timeout. A setback might actually be an opportunity to explore the world around you and take it in. It may be an opportunity to truly heal. It might be the only thing that can give you the clarity of mind to then make the next right decision.

When we choose to temporarily freeze time by stopping to look around once in a while, we can see what other things life has to offer. We can relax. We can take a break. There are so many things that are available for us when we just pause. We can finally catch up that tv show we’ve been waiting to watch. Or maybe we can start to journal our feelings for the first time. When life asks you to take a step back, understand that it isn’t a setback. It’s a necessary detour to the path that you are on.