Observations The Self

This is How to Be A Normal and “Cool” Person

Hint: None of these are guaranteed to make you a better person

Look, I think a lot about human nature. That’s just what I do. And after observing a lot from people over the course of my years and my time in school, I figured out why it’s so hard to fit in into society. So, I made a list of things you would want to do if you want to be socially accepted by the majority.

Rule #1- Be in a relationship or at least be interested in someone

This is a popular one. It seems that people value their worth depending on whether or not they are in a relationship and it’s been happening since the dawn of time. Especially in school, not being in relationship or showing any interest in someone is usually seen as a sign of being “uncool” or lame or whatever (even if you are surrounded by hormonal and immature peers). In society, those who don’t pursue goals of getting married and having kids are seen as “selfish” or worse, “losers”. Apparently, not forcing yourself to be in a relationship you don’t want to be in means you are lacking in maturity and “falling behind”. So, if you want to be cool and normal, get in a relationship or have a crush on someone, or at least pretend to (that’ll work, right?).

Rule #2- Get a (“Practical”) Job

Getting a job is so important to coming across as a normal person who has their crap together. Having a job can make you look responsible and hard-working even if you’re just working at McDonalds and not actually doing anything that makes you happy. Because pursuing your passions is overrated, right? You should be focusing on getting a normal job so you can buy a house for your future spouse and then plan for having children. Anyone who is normal and cool does this.

Rule #3- Engage in Small Talk and Refrain from Being a Deep Thinker

Dude, no-one wants to talk about your thoughts about the universe and what everything means. People just want to talk about gossip and how boring their job is. Being a deep thinker is a terrible idea if you want to be considered a normal person. Deep thinkers are notorious for being overly depressing, unnecessary, and kind of rude (“How dare you question that my life is meaningful?!”). Oh, and if you’re a girl, talking about boys and crushes is the best way to earn approval because not doing so can earn you the brutal reputation of being a “prude” and “slow”. Talking about subjects that are not very interesting or though-provoking is a surefire to be cool. Take note.

Rule# 4- Be ill-informed

There is nothing cooler than being ill-informed. Okay, so no cool person wants to be seen as ill-informed but they certainly don’t want to seen as a “know-it-all”. The trick to being cool is not knowing anything or at least pretend to not know anything. You see, people who are well-informed are often seen as arrogant and as weirdos. Having extensive knowledge about any subject can make you look like a nerd (you don’t want that!). Being ignorant and going along with assumptions and stereotypes is definitely an important step to take if you want to fit in and of course, be cool.

Rule #5- Be Fake

This actually may be the most important rule of all. In order to fit in, you need to agree with all the other cool people. However, there are a lot of times when you probably don’t want to agree with them, BUT doing so would make you an outcast. So, you pretend to agree with them. You pretend to like the same things as them. You pretend to be someone you are NOT. This makes you cool because it means that you are just like everyone else who is cool. If you don’t do the same things as all the cool people, you, my friend, ARE NOT COOL. You are a social pariah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my rules to being cool (and normal). These are just my observations as to why some people are cool and why some are not. You probably can see how a lot of these rules apply to your life and the people you know, including yourself. It can be quite easy to fall for these invisible rules that we make up in our thing called society. It’s actually crazy how many people abide to them like it is some sort of religion. That’s all for today. See you later.