Candles Serenity

What I’m Burning This May


Welcome back to my blog! This month I have been burning a candle called Blueberry Marshmallow Bar from Bath and Body Works.

I really enjoy this candle! It’s very sweet from the vanilla and a little tart from the blueberries. If you don’t like bakery candles, then you probably won’t appreciate this candle very much. It smells more like marshmallows than blueberries and more gourmet than fruity.

Nevertheless, the vanilla scent mixed with the blueberries smells so pleasant to me. I would recommend this candle to anyone who likes sweet and bakery scents. It is a great spring candle since the blueberries do smell quite fresh and the packaging looks very floral for the season. Speaking of packaging, it’s so beautiful and I love the watercolor-painted blueberries with the hand-drawn design.

If you’re interested in this candle or just candles in general, check out Bath and Body Works.

Quotes The Path

Quote of the Week

I love quotes. They hold such wisdom said in only a few words. I think doing a weekly quote series on this blog would be a great way to stay positive. I have a book with tons of quotes and each week I will be pulling one quote and reflecting on it.

From My Quote Book, You Will Never Have This Day Again

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

— Vivian Greene

This is one of my favorite quotes. We know life can be difficult and troublesome at times. Most of us believe that once we get on the other side, everything will be okay and we can start enjoying life again. What many people don’t understand is that life is a journey, not a destination. We only only learn when we’re making mistakes and we only know happiness when we felt sadness. We need to learn to make the most of every moment in our lives, even the negative ones because sometimes they can teach us more about life than the positive one can.

Life is never perfect, but that’s okay. When things go wrong, don’t just wait for it simply pass. Learn to accept it for it is. Learn to see the beauty and magic in this moment. Learn to have a positive attitude no matter is happening.

Once you do this, you can learn to ride the waves of life and well, learn to dance in the rain.

Have a great day and see you later.

Affirmations The Self

Releasing the Past and the Future All at Once

Always remember to let go…

Starting today, I’m starting a new series about affirmations. I’m using cards from an affirmation deck that I got off of Amazon and I’m going to be using it for this series. I will be using them to reflect on affirmations.

Affirmation Card no.1

I release all negative thoughts about the past and all about the future.

Staying in the present is the best thing you can do right now for yourself. You can’t control the past or the future, so why continue to dwell on it?

I know, it’s easier said than done because I do it all the time. I think about the past and the future almost everyday. I can’t stop remembering all the people who hurt me or can’t stop thinking about the things that could or couldn’t happen in the future.

The truth is that it’s not that simple to just let go especially if you’ve been burned and everything looks uncertain. But, it’s also important to understand that your thoughts don’t exactly change reality. Whether or not you think about something can’t take away from the reality of the present. Thinking about something bad that might happen in the future won’t make it happen and dwelling on the past can’t change what already had happened.

So, I guess my advice is to let things be. Try to stay in the moment by doing the something you love. Analyze all the little things that are going well in your life. Make a list about everything that is making you happy.

Take a bath. Watch a movie. Read a book. Cook your favorite meal. These are some things you can try.

Life is too short, so all we got is now.

It’s time to release what we cannot control.

The Self The Washi Tape Series

Welcome to The Washi Tape Series

Everybody is different. Everybody has different needs and goals and dreams and plans. Starting now, I am beginning a new series on my blog called “The Washi Tape Series”. This series will help you explore yourself and your imagination by giving you a personalized vacation based on your personality using the beautiful washi tape that I own.

I’m going to begin by giving you a quiz determining your washi tape type. Then, I’ll create four different blog posts and depending on the type you get, you will get a specific post that will lead you to your own unique adventure.

First, let’s start by taking the quiz.

So, whatever you got you, choose the article that corresponds with the results and enjoy your personalized journey. See you there!

Here’s a little key I made…

To Find Your Next Adventure…

Click on the link below

Purple Washi Tape

Makeup Washi Tape

Red Washi Tape

BlueWashi Tape

The Washi Tape Series

Let’s Go to the Art Museum!

You are here because you got the purple washi tape. You are probably deep and artistic and can always see what’s going on beneath the surface. Today, you are going on a trip to the art museum.

Let’s the start the day by eating at your favorite bakery. There are so many tasty options, what will you have?

Now, that you are here at the art museum, you can see that there are many different exhibits to explore. Let’s see where the journey takes you.

Art Exhibit 1- Sculptures

The first exhibit is all about sculptures. These sculptures come in a wide range of forms- ranging from different colors and lengths to different structures and shapes. Let’s take a look.

Wow! These are some really interesting looking sculptures.

Art Exhibit 2- Paintings

This next room is full of paintings around the world. Just take your time looking around. There isn’t any rush.

What do you see in these paintings? So many different meanings.

Art Exhibit 3- Fashion

This last exhibit is all about fashion- fashion that comes in all different textures, fabrics and colors.

These fashion designs and outfits are all so colorful, did you see anything that caught your eye?

Now, that we’re done looking through all these exhibits, which one would you say is your favorite?

Sayonara (which means good night)

The art museum offered so much to see and ponder about, it was the perfect place to let your imagination and curiosity run wild. Now, go and dream about art. Goodnight.

The Washi Tape Series

Let’s go to the Mall!

You are here because you got the makeup washi tape. You are trendy, fashion-forward and can’t wait to go shopping! We’re going to the mall today which is the perfect place to get your filling for everything stylish and trendy.

First, before you head out,which purse would you like to bring on your shopping vacay.

How exciting…

Welcome to the mall! There are so many stores to explore and shop! Let’s head over this way…


So many colorful options…

The first stop is Sephora, which is the perfect place to acquire all your makeup needs. Let’s take a look at all the lipsticks. Which one would you like to buy?

Then, let’s choose some eyeshadow to purchase.

Great! Hopefully, got everything you need for your makeup bag! Let’s continue the shopping venture…

Bath and Body Works

Wow, everything smells good…

Next stop is Bath and Body Works! How about you to take some time looking around and smelling everything.

Let’s shop for soaps.

Now, let’s shop for some perfumes.

Now, that you got all your fragrance cravings satisfied, let’s head the last store.

JC Penny’s

So many clothes…

The last stop is JC Penny’s. There are lot different clothes and accessories to choose from. Just take your time choosing anything you would like to buy.

Let’s shop for some pajamas.

Now, let’s go search for some shoes to wear.

Shopping Complete!

You just got home and you look at all the bags you have. You take everything out one by one and look and smell it all. The day is complete and you’re very content. You can’t wait to shop next time!

If you would like to do more shopping, check out these links:

Bath and Body Works


JC Penny’s

Serenity The Washi Tape Series

Let’s go to the Spa!

You are here because you got the blue washi tape. You might need to have some sacred time for yourself because you’re always working hard and just need some time to rest. Congratulations, you’re going to the spa today. Here’s a gift from me:

It’s a (fake) Spa Voucher!

Let’s first pick out some clothes to wear.

Before heading into the spa, you’re going over to get breakfast at your favorite restaurant.

Breakfast is served!

enjoy 🙂

Now, let’s proceed to the spa. There are many different spas that are all wonderful in their own ways. How about you choose which one you’ll like to go to.

Deep Breaths

Just breathe.

Before you start, let’s take five deep breaths. Inhale in for four seconds, hold for seven, and then exhale for eight. This will help calm your mind so you can truly begin relaxing and enjoying your time at the spa.

The Pool

The definition of peace…

When you first enter the spa, you notice a calming pool awaiting. You slowly walk over as you hear the peaceful sounds coming from the water. You dip your feet into the blue water and just let it all in. So. Serene.


So nice…

Next, it’s time for your much anticipated massage. You are getting an aromatherapy massage. Which essential oil do you want to be used for this message?

Fantastic! You’re all set for your massage. The aromatherapy message was just the thing you needed. You feel much better now.

That’s A Wrap up!

Wow! This was a great day, wasn’t it? Now, that you just had the most soothing massage ever, it’s time to head home. Maybe one day can come back, but now all you’re thinking about is sleep. Goodnight….

The Washi Tape Series

Let’s go to the Beach!

You are here because you got the red washi tape. You are the life of the party and can’t wait to make new friends! Today, you are about to embark on a journey to paradise! Hurry, the plane is about to leave! Oh by the way, here’s your plane ticket.

Take off!

You’ve Arrived!

Where have you arrived today?


Now, that you have exited the airport it’s time to head over to the hotel. Where would you like to stay?

You have checked into your hotel and made your way into your room. It’s spacious and beautiful with a massive TV. Now, it’s time to get ready for the party! What would you like to wear for this party?

Party Time!

Now, it’s time to go to the beach party! You arrive at the beach and you see that everything is lit up. There are so many people dancing and singing and laughing. You are so excited to meet everyone!

Wow, this looks fun.

You hear loud music coming from a stage and that’s get you in the mood to dance.

Dance the night away

New Friends

As the evening continues, you realize that you made so many new friends and now they’re all in your contacts. You continue to dance and laugh and tell stories by the bonfire as the sun sets.

Let the good times roll

Good night…

It’s time to just rest now

Well, this party has finally come to an end. This will become a memory you are sure you are never to forget. You hope one day you can return to this beach and repeat the night all over again, but for now this story has come to end. As you return to your luxurious hotel for a good night sleep, you look at your phone that is now filled with new people to keep in touch with. You’re glad that you met these people and you’re glad that you took this trip. You close your eyes and dream about the next adventure.