The Path

The Unexpected Is The Future

Life is unpredictable, be warned.

Life is full of surprises. We should be expect that by now. Nothing is more unexpected than our own lives, even if we expect it. Making plans can be helpful. Planning your grocery shopping ventures, planning your wedding, planning your bedroom renovations- we all make plans. And a lot of the times, it works out. It helps us organize our life and simplify our needs and goals. It helps to get from A to B.

But, we should also take note of all the ways that things did not work out the way we planned, like a terrible vacation or a disastrous job interview, because life is not a mathematic equation. Sometimes 1+1 doesn’t always equal 2, sometimes it can equal missteps and mistakes.

Instead of interpreting this as a failure, think of it as an adventure- when things are not turning out as you’d expect. It keeps things exciting. It keeps the blood pumping. It makes life worth living.

People are always trying to plan their life to the very detail as if they know how everything will eventually turn out. They don’t. Sometimes what seems like a good idea may be a bad one and a what seems like a bad idea may be a good one. It’s up to you to decide what you do and take that step into the unknown. Because that’s the only way to find out the truth about the future.

Don’t let plans get in the way of the future. Don’t let logic get in the way of dreaming big. Don’t let perfection get in the way of making valuable mistakes. Planning can be a tool to get things done, but don’t let planning get in the way of having a true adventure- living your life.