Affirmations The Path

Embracing The Rhythm of Life

Hello and welcome back to the affirmation series. Today, I’ll be reflecting on the rhythm of life.

Because we are often so busy, we often forget that life has a rhythm. It’s easier to ignore this and make life harder than it needs to be.

Sometimes it is best to let life happen and let everything unfold naturally. I know this can be scary when things don’t make sense and everything seems to be falling apart.

However, this is the thing about embracing the rhythm of life- sometimes life won’t allow us to move on until we are ready.

Like a song, life has a rhythm ,we just have to be open and be able to follow its beat. This means doing whatever feels right for you in the moment and not forcing anything that isn’t meant to be. This means we need to have the ability to allow ourselves to stop and smell the roses from the time to time. This means we have to sometimes enjoy life for what it is, no matter how difficult it may be.

When we begin to follow the natural flow of life, we will begin to listen to ourselves, our intuition, and our hearts better. Society will often tell us that slowing down is a sign of weakness. In truth, slowing down is an expected part of being alive. All humans have to do this. We all wake up, live our life by day, and then eventually we have to fall asleep and stop whatever it is we are doing. We have to enter a state of inactivity. This is not a sign of weakness. This is a sign that we are healthy.

Life is measured by cycles. We are never the same throughout the duration of a cycle. Understanding this is the key to embracing the rhythm of life. We are not falling behind, we are simply following the grand tempo of the melody of life.

Read more about slowing down here.

Affirmations The Self

Releasing the Past and the Future All at Once

Always remember to let go…

Starting today, I’m starting a new series about affirmations. I’m using cards from an affirmation deck that I got off of Amazon and I’m going to be using it for this series. I will be using them to reflect on affirmations.

Affirmation Card no.1

I release all negative thoughts about the past and all about the future.

Staying in the present is the best thing you can do right now for yourself. You can’t control the past or the future, so why continue to dwell on it?

I know, it’s easier said than done because I do it all the time. I think about the past and the future almost everyday. I can’t stop remembering all the people who hurt me or can’t stop thinking about the things that could or couldn’t happen in the future.

The truth is that it’s not that simple to just let go especially if you’ve been burned and everything looks uncertain. But, it’s also important to understand that your thoughts don’t exactly change reality. Whether or not you think about something can’t take away from the reality of the present. Thinking about something bad that might happen in the future won’t make it happen and dwelling on the past can’t change what already had happened.

So, I guess my advice is to let things be. Try to stay in the moment by doing the something you love. Analyze all the little things that are going well in your life. Make a list about everything that is making you happy.

Take a bath. Watch a movie. Read a book. Cook your favorite meal. These are some things you can try.

Life is too short, so all we got is now.

It’s time to release what we cannot control.