Quotes The Path

Quote of the Week

I love quotes. They hold such wisdom said in only a few words. I think doing a weekly quote series on this blog would be a great way to stay positive. I have a book with tons of quotes and each week I will be pulling one quote and reflecting on it.

From My Quote Book, You Will Never Have This Day Again

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

— Vivian Greene

This is one of my favorite quotes. We know life can be difficult and troublesome at times. Most of us believe that once we get on the other side, everything will be okay and we can start enjoying life again. What many people don’t understand is that life is a journey, not a destination. We only only learn when we’re making mistakes and we only know happiness when we felt sadness. We need to learn to make the most of every moment in our lives, even the negative ones because sometimes they can teach us more about life than the positive one can.

Life is never perfect, but that’s okay. When things go wrong, don’t just wait for it simply pass. Learn to accept it for it is. Learn to see the beauty and magic in this moment. Learn to have a positive attitude no matter is happening.

Once you do this, you can learn to ride the waves of life and well, learn to dance in the rain.

Have a great day and see you later.